Three Easy Steps To Resourcefulness

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Hi, I\’m Andreea Parc.

I am a Personal Resource Sage. I help professionals over 40 who are stuck in challenging situations successfully overcome their conditions by taking control of their TFAs (thoughts, feelings, and actions) and connecting with their always-available resources to avoid failure and despair. So, if you are willing to be aware of your thoughts and ready to see fantastic results, we can work together. 

With this post, I want to give you a quick overview of what it takes to be resourceful, so you get what you desire!

Let me start with a joke.

It is about a man who prays to God for money:

\”God, please, it would help me so much to pay off my debts and help my family if I won the next lottery. God, please make me the next lottery winner.\”

Every day for a week, the man had the same request \”Please, God, let me be the next lottery winner.\” Day in and day out, the man lamented.  

The man\’s whining exasperated God and one day he said:

\”At least buy a lottery ticket, man!\”

My grandma used to say that God always gets us what we want, but he doesn\’t just stick the thing we prayed for in our pockets. We need to do our share of the work.

So, if you believe you are stuck in a rut with no way out or that you are challenged by a work or relationship situation for which you cannot see salvation, please continue reading.

If you follow the formula I am about to give you, not only will you see viable opportunities and resources everywhere, but you will feel better physically and emotionally and will be able to move forward and grow even more.

This is just a kickstart. You will have to do some work.

Resourcefulness is a state of mind. We are either born with it or learn it as a skill. 

Do you ever wonder how some people pull money, opportunities, travels, or fantastic relationships out of their sleeves?

If you follow these three simple steps, you can do that too!

So, what do you think?

Do you want to develop resourcefulness for the good things in your life?

Let\’s get started!

#1 Know what you want 

Visualize what you want – whether it’s earning an impressive salary from a well-known company or growing your own business, driving a red convertible on Mars, visiting an exotic location, or slimming down for an important event in your life. State your desires as affirmative, positive statements \”I am abundant, I am successful, I am beautiful.\” Emphasizing the negatives with statements like \”I don\’t want to struggle financially\” keeps the focus on the negative, bringing you more struggle, and that is not what you want. That’s because the mind does not comprehend negation. Remember that any thoughts you give life to, no matter how small or grandiose, frightening, or empowering, will grow so long as you nurture them with energy.

It\’s important to monitor your thoughts because the act of giving attention to what you desire and what you fear is identical.

So, take all those ideas that you have been dwelling on about how everything will go wrong in a certain situation that challenges you and turn them into \”Everything is happening in perfect timing and that everything is working out for the best.\” There is no need to worry. When you infuse positive thoughts and feelings into your life, your energy shifts. You might be in the ugliest mood, but when you smile and are positive, your entire face and body relax, and your energy changes. I invite you to try it out!

Now that we have clarified what you want and how to express them let\’s move on to the second requirement.

#2 Be open-minded and pay attention to your thoughts and feelings.

You will get what you want if you have faith and trust in yourself. Throw away any doubts you may have or negative feelings about not deserving what you want or not being good enough to get what you want. Do not dwell on stories or make excuses as to why you will not receive; what you believe is exactly what you will receive. Besides, dismiss any notions or expectations about how, when, or where you will get what you desire. Keeping an open mind and being present in your surroundings will lead you to finding or getting what you need.

You might hear a radio advertisement as you walk into a store for a one-time event opportunity for your business. On the train to work, you overhear a conversation about a new HR platform for tech jobs, or you see an interview on TV with someone that produces the exact specialized equipment that you are looking for.

Ask yourself the following questions:

Is there anything holding me back from finding the job of my dreams or growing my business, or whatever the case may be? 

Why do I want this particular job? Why is this job important to me?

Do I want or do I need the car or the expedition or the job?

If I owned that car or a successful business, how would that make me feel?

What am I willing to do to get where I want to be or what I want?

What am I willing to give up doing to get what I want or want?

What would be different this time? (in case you have tried before)

Consider each answer that comes to you, along with your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Try to get as many answers as possible. 

Write them down.

Now, read all the answers slowly and pay attention to what you feel when you read them. All answers that give you a negative or draining feeling flip them on their head. Any belief, identity, or habit of thought that does not serve you well, shift it into one that does. You will know what does not serve you well by how you feel when you look at it. Try to do it by listening to your body\’s responses, not your mind. Go by what you feel and not by what \”should or shouldn’t\” your mind spits at you.

Most of the time, you don\’t have what you desire because your thoughts go toward creating justifications for why you won\’t get what you want. Be open-minded and true to yourself. It might be uncomfortable; you might want to burn this list to ashes and never think about it again. But if you do, you will continue to stay stuck. By changing your thoughts to positive ones and rehearsing them until they become a part of you, you can attain the mindset ripe to create your desires.

And, #3,

Use your imagination, connect the dots, and take action.

With the new mindset, gather all the available information to you and start making connections, making phone calls, and doing research. Einstein said, “Logic takes you from A to B; imagination takes you anywhere” – being creative is a great tool on your journey – so make sure to employ your imagination when progressing in your search. Inevitably, the more effort you put in, the more positive results you will get; if you have any leads, use them and expand on them! The results might not be the desired end goal, but they may act as stepping stones toward something even better. It\’s imperative to remain true to yourself and recognize what it is you truly need or want. Our desires are not always beneficial for our well-being, so sometimes the best thing we can do is trust that a higher power will guide us on our path and deliver exactly what we need in life.

Go one step further; identify anyone in your contact list who might be able to answer your questions or give you more information. If they don’t, maybe they can refer you to someone else who does. Do not be afraid to ask questions.

By being resourceful and determined to get what you want, you will actively create a better life for yourself and your family. Enjoy the process, and don\’t worry about the outcome. Whatever is best for you will come to you, even if it\’s not exactly what you want. You take control of your life and make things happen according to your desires, rather than waiting for them to happen to you. It\’s up to you! It is very important to be proactive! Instead of waiting for a situation to become a problem, it is better to proactively address it. Reacting to a problem with negative energy makes it difficult to find effective solutions.

While it\’s true that every problem has a solution, wouldn\’t it be better to take measures to prevent it from becoming a problem in the first place?

You will get what you want if you are courageous enough to face your own thoughts. You won’t have to deal with anybody else but yourself.

Although I cannot predict how quickly you will get what you want, if you follow these steps, I can assure you that you will.

You have the power to overcome any difficulty in your life, I promise you that.

To schedule a complimentary 30-minute phone call with me, kindly click on the appointment button located at the top of this page.

I wish you all the best!

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