The Raw Comment That Changed My Perspective on Authenticity

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I was scrolling through one of my social media pages when I stopped at a motivational post. It wasn’t the post itself that caught my attention but the lone comment beneath it: “Stop preaching.”

That raw, honest comment struck a chord deep within me. As someone who teaches, writes, and posts extensively about managing expectations, detaching from outcomes, and avoiding disappointment, I found myself in a moment of irony—I was feeling disappointed.

Disappointment is a normal human emotion. It’s neither good nor bad; it simply exists. While I intellectually understand how to manage disappointment, my soul was still suffering. I felt the commenter’s frustration with the endless online advice on how to be strong and overcome difficulties. Sometimes, the well-meaning posts become empty and automatic. We post just to post. Do we, the posters, truly live what we preach? All the time? Sometimes?

When we’re down in the trenches of life, kind words are nice, but often, we need more than motivational speeches. We need a hand to hold, authenticity, availability, understanding, someone to listen to us and trust us. We are born and die alone, but we don’t live alone. Everything we do in life is supported by others.

We need patience from others and practical tips to start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you to the person who made that comment. I went back to find it but couldn’t. In the multitude of posts, we get lost, and what truly makes us stop is rare and far between.

And a heartfelt thanks to my friends, family, and coaches who offer me a shoulder to cry on and space to reflect on my own lessons.

Immensely grateful!

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