The Key Element For a Successful New Year Resolution

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Ah, the dawn of a new year—the time when many of us enthusiastically craft New Year’s resolutions, listing ambitious goals and aspirations. Yet, as the weeks pass, the initial zeal often fades, and the resolutions we set with such determination seem to lose their grip. What is the missing element that often causes these well-intended promises to fall off the edge?

New Year resolutions frequently revolve around desired changes—healthier habits, career advancements, or improved relationships. However, what they often lack is our acknowledgment that change is not easy, primarily uncomfortable, and requires a steadfast commitment to awareness.

My New Year’s resolution is to get back to my daily walking routine, which brought me solace during tough times. To make it work, I know I need to be aware of my priorities. Most importantly, I need my alone time for reflection and exercise. No matter the weather, I aim for a 45-minute to one-hour walk. If I managed two hours a day at the Camp in Danbury, in minimal gear, I can surely do this now with proper clothing.

I’m ready to face discomfort, clarify my priorities, gear up, and walk to discover hidden insights. 

As we all know, change doesn’t occur in the comfort zone. Resolutions inherently require us to step into uncharted territory, challenging our familiar routines and habits. Yet, the fear of discomfort often hinders progress. It’s the discomfort of breaking old habits, the discomfort of pushing past limitations, and the discomfort of facing uncertainties that pave the way for growth.

Resolutions tend to focus on the external changes we wish to see. However, lasting change begins from within. Without a deep sense of self-awareness, it’s challenging to identify the underlying patterns or behaviors that hinder progress.

The downfall of many resolutions lies in the all-or-nothing mindset. When setbacks occur or progress is slower than anticipated, it’s easy to become discouraged and abandon our goals altogether. However, true change is a journey, not a destination.

Instead of fixating solely on the end result, enjoy the process. Embrace the journey with all its highs and lows. Understand that setbacks are part of the growth process, opportunities to learn and readjust. View each step, however small, as a victory—a testament to your commitment to change.

So, this year, let’s start with being willing to welcome discomfort as a companion, foster self-awareness, and embark on a journey of meaningful and sustainable change.

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