Studies Show That This Sport Is The Stress-Busting Solution

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This past weekend, I took a break and headed upstate to NY, hoping for a snowy retreat. While snow is not as common in NY as it used to be, the joy and peace I find in skiing are unmatched. 

Yes, skiing! Not only does it offer a unique experience, but its therapeutic benefits are substantiated by scientific evidence.

The crisp air, the landscape, the freedom, and the focus on the slopes puts me in a state of total acceptance, surrender, and profound connection with nature and the universe at large.

I remember back in the days when stress and anxiety were through the roof, and when every breath felt like a struggle, and nothing could fill the emptiness inside. I also remember where I found my happy place. On the slopes! I couldn’t wait for those weekend getaways, craving the stress relief that skiing brought. It was like my own little escape hatch from ….. myself!

Growing up in Romania where skiing is a popular sport, the chilly winters led me to favor warm retreats for leisure. Even upon relocating to the US, destinations like Florida or the Caribbean were my go-to vacation spots. Nevertheless, life took a turn, and at the age of 39, I had the opportunity and privilege to embrace skiing. This introduced me to a stunning world that transcended the initial reservations I had about cold weather.

Globally, ski resorts and skiing attract a considerable number of enthusiasts, despite being among the most expensive leisure activities. Delving into research on the sport, I discovered a shared sense of tranquility. Among other research, it is an influential study done by the Swedes, involving 400,000 skiers, which indicates a connection between skiing and decreased anxiety. Over two decades, skiers exhibited lower inflammation and oxidative stress compared to non-skiers.

Skiing last weekend made me realize that the key to my peace on the slopes lies in staying present. The awareness of the moment, and the concentration on moves and the surroundings, keep me self-aware. Presence is the antidote to stress and anxiety—awareness of now, existing outside of time and space.

To those seeking relief from stress, overwhelm, anxiety, or being stuck, I encourage you to try skiing. Challenge yourself—it’s never too late to start a new sport. In the dance of the slopes, find your pathway to serenity.

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