
Discussions on issues related to personal time management, to personal choices, habits, and behaviors, that changes one perspective to life achieving peace and resolution in all life matters.

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Birds, Bugs, and Badassery: 11 Lessons Nature Taught Me This Weekend

This weekend, I decided to escape the hustle of NYC and visit a friend in upstate New York. The mountain base offered fresh air and sunshine, which I miss in my apartment. Lying on a chair on freshly cut grass, surrounded by flowers and the forest, I immersed myself in nature. The vibrant green trees, […]

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The Raw Comment That Changed My Perspective on Authenticity

I was scrolling through one of my social media pages when I stopped at a motivational post. It wasn’t the post itself that caught my attention but the lone comment beneath it: “Stop preaching.” That raw, honest comment struck a chord deep within me. As someone who teaches, writes, and posts extensively about managing expectations, detaching from

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The Key Element For a Successful New Year Resolution

Ah, the dawn of a new year—the time when many of us enthusiastically craft New Year’s resolutions, listing ambitious goals and aspirations. Yet, as the weeks pass, the initial zeal often fades, and the resolutions we set with such determination seem to lose their grip. What is the missing element that often causes these well-intended promises to fall off the edge?

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Divine Protection in the Unlikeliest of Places… from a Candy Wrapper

Within the stark confines of prison, where notions of decency, love, care and simple joys often vanish, hope can feel like a distant memory. For those locked away, it’s a landscape of abandonment and despair, a place where even the presence of God seems improbable. Yet, among those unforgiving walls, I discovered an unexpected source

Divine Protection in the Unlikeliest of Places… from a Candy Wrapper Read More »

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The Mindset Shift that Holds the Secret to Long-Term Satisfaction

In the pursuit of our goals and aspirations, we often encounter challenges that test our resolve and determination. Although these obstacles are painful in the short term, they can be the stepping stones to long-term pleasure and success. This article explores the concept of developing a mindset that embraces short-term pain as a means to achieve long-term pleasure.

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Why Do We Self-Destruct? Unveiling the Complexities of Human Self-Destructive Behavior

While some individuals excel at self-care and self-love, others find themselves trapped in a cycle of self-destructive behavior. Have you ever wondered why? In this article, we embark on a profound exploration of the underlying reasons behind self-destructive human nature. From delving into evolutionary psychology to dissecting the intricacies of neurobiology, we peel back the layers to unearth the driving forces behind our self-destructive tendencies. Brace yourself for an enlightening journey as we decipher the intricate science behind this perplexing human paradox.

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Laughing Through Chaos: How to Maintain Peace When Everything Is Falling Apart

Life has a peculiar way of throwing us into chaos just when we least expect it, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and stretched thin. The convergence of a sick child, an ailing mother, a tooth infection, a mountain of work, and the absence of support during vacation season can genuinely make it seem like all hell is breaking loose. In this article, we embark on a journey to uncover strategies that not only safeguard your tranquility but also invite the profound healing power of laughter during times of adversity.

Laughing Through Chaos: How to Maintain Peace When Everything Is Falling Apart Read More »

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