A Walk In The Park

                    with Andreea Parc

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Come join me on a walk!

I’ll share stories from my roller-coaster life—some funny, some emotional, and others intriguing.

My intention is to inspire, educate and motivate you in living your best life. Even if it is just for entertainment, it is a win! Being a legal professional is not easy—I know, I have been there. Now, I am here to help and support you in any way you need.

Explore my journey from failing the NYS Bar Exam multiple times to finally passing in “From Failing to Passing.” Or discover how I kept my sanity in prison in “Maintaining Peace of Mind in any Situation.”

These tales are different from the ones in my memoir “Alive. Again. My Journey from Attorney to Redemption … in Prison.”

And grab my free e-book, “Five Simple Shifts to Regain Control of Your Life” from the FREE Resources section. It’s a great start to reinventing yourself and rewriting your life story!

Join me for a free 30-minute chat! Ask me anything or simply share what’s on your mind. Let’s start your journey to freedom together!

Please click this Appointment Link to get started, risk-free.

Andreea Parcalaboiu
Andreea Parcalaboiu
Andreea Parcalaboiu

By recognizing the cost of inaction and its far-reaching implications, we empower ourselves to make informed choices and prioritize our personal growth. It's a call to action—one that beckons us to seize the reins of our destiny and embark on a journey of purposeful, intentional development.

Andreea Parcalaboiu

This past weekend, I took a break and headed upstate to NY, hoping for a snowy retreat. While snow is not as common in NY as it used to be, the joy and peace I find in skiing are unmatched. Yes, skiing! Not only does it offer a unique experience, but its therapeutic benefits are substantiated by scientific evidence.

Andreea Parcalaboiu

Disappointment—we all have experienced it. It has various forms, whether it's a crushed expectation, a missed opportunity, or a setback that leaves us feeling sad. In a world filled with ups and downs, how do we navigate disappointment to get over it, learn from it, and find better opportunities?

Andreea Parcalaboiu

Ah, the dawn of a new year—the time when many of us enthusiastically craft New Year's resolutions, listing ambitious goals and aspirations. Yet, as the weeks pass, the initial zeal often fades, and the resolutions we set with such determination seem to lose their grip. What is the missing element that often causes these well-intended promises to fall off the edge?

Andreea Parcalaboiu
Andreea Parcalaboiu

For me, Thanksgiving carries a more profound significance, especially after a life-altering experience.

Andreea Parcalaboiu

This is the scientific explanation of my last post on YouTube about procrastination. Procrastination is a common struggle for many of us, and it often feels like an uphill battle to overcome. However, by delving into the psychology of reward and accomplishment, we can find effective ways to hack our minds and beat procrastination. In this article, we'll explore how understanding the brain's reward system can help you become more productive and motivated.

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